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In 1950. Left to right: Helen's sister Elizabeth, Helen, maternal grandmother, mother and sister Marietta
John and Helen after their church wedding in the taxi. 1951 October 12.
Helen at age 11.
Cegléd, paternal grandparents home. Looking out the window from left to right, Helen's paternal grandmother, aunt, Helen, sister Marietta, mother and sister Elizabeth.
Ballroom dancing on ice with trainer.
The three girls in our bridesmaid dresses, used at many family weddings.
Helen having fun at the vineyard in Cegléd, age 5.
Helen at 18 months with her two grandmothers.
Helen after she was born, with her mother at the hospital. Babies were put into "swaddling clothes" (pólya) at the time.
Helen's parents' wedding. Ilona Bartha and Dr. Lajos Kovács.